
Project 03/2018 New Childrens Home Safe Haven Nest for Young Eagles

Seloma Gouws, Head of the Home Safe Haven is happy with all the children ready to move in[Seloma Gouws, Head of the Home Safe Haven is happy with all the children ready to move in]

All parties involved are more than delighted to see that the Childrens’ Home and Next for Young Eagles can be inaugurated shortly for which our foundation could help to sponsor with 2 contribution activities/donations, the ceiling insulation and the electrics inside the house, the fencing and Vibracrete walls outside. 

Seloma Gouws reported and informed us about the latest news of the Home for disadvantaged and abused children “Safe Haven, nest for young eagles”. She expressed her many thanks to our foundation and our donors for our contributions reporting in her own words: 

 "To our dear friends in Germany and Thailand, we are there....... we are waiting for last inspection and then the children can move in. We want to thank you and will keep you posted on our activities.
God bless your kind hearts".

Photos: own and by Meals on Wheels, Struisbaai, Cape Algulhas, South Africa with friendly approval for publishing

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