Project 03/2022 Promotion of education and elucidation (FGM) on Kenyan Hedge-Schools – We support the project of pre-treatment consultation of the woman writer Ntailan Lolkoki

Ntailan Lolkoki is a Kenyan book writer who is engaged in rural areas of Kenya to educate young girls in schools to fight against FGM. 

Natailan was born as a Maasai girl in the Savanne of Maralal in a small village close to Barsaloi in the Northern Kenya and was affected by FGM ritual when she was a young girl. Later she wrote some books to fight against FGM. We support her education work on FGM that she could purchase 100 copies of her book the Kingdom of Watetu and Songaland to spread the books on schools in Maralal, Porro, Marti and Baragoi. Our project helps to fight to prevent of the ritual. The book is a great truth of FGM. 

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