
Project 04/2024 CPET Vocational School Koudougou, Burkina Faso with Tikato Wetzlar

We would like to update our project in Burkina Faso:

As already listed in our funding plan for 2024, our foundation is once again supporting the CPET vocational training school in Koudougou, Burkina Faso with € 1,000.          ... → more


Promoting prevention, avoidance and treatment of girls and young women affected by FGM in African countries

We would like to update some projects from the past on this topic.

Our foundation has been committed to education, prevention measures and the treatment of genitally mutilated girls and young women for several years and has carried out some measures, for examp ... → more


Project 06/2024 Update to promote school education and infrastructure at Insula High School in Sanje, Rakai Region, Uganda

Our foundation recently transferred €4,000 for measures at Insula High School in Sanje, in the poor Rakai region in southern Uganda.

The project, which we have described in detail on our homepage under the heading “New a ... → more


Project 06/2024 Handover of donations to promote school education and infrastructure at Insula High School, Rakai Region, Uganda

With a donation of € 4,000, the Dieter & Bettina Wulkow Foundation is supporting the Insula High School school project in cooperation with Celebrate Hope Germany e.V. and Celebrate Hope Ministries, Sanje, Uganda. At the final concert on June 1st, 2024 of the ... → more


Discussions about supporting a school project in the Rakai Region, Uganda

On the occasion of a concert by the student and childrens choir Tumaini Voices  from the Glory Christian Primary and the Insula High School, Sanje Uganda in the Evangelical Church Hüttenberg/Volpertshausen on June 20th, 2024, we met Ms. Bianca Hedrich, project manage ... → more


Partial release for new funding projects in 2024

The Dieter & Bettina Wulkow Foundation has started implementing the planned funding projects in 2024 and has released €2,800.00 to support the projects 02/2024 Youpsa Youth Potential South Africa, for 04/2024 small community El Doret, Kenya and 05/2024 for the Young Symphony Orchestra, W ... → more


Project 03/2024 Support for orphans in the small community “Verbeke Homes” Eldoret, Kenya

Together with the Kenyans Emily Verbeke and her sister Janet, we have been involved in some educational projects run by the “Verbeke Homes” for several years. The sisters founded a charitable association there, “Verbeke Homes”, in which orphans and street children and youn ... → more


Sponsoring aid projects 2024

After a successful funding year in 2023, where we have been supported by friends so helpfully, we have been able to carry out some project promotions as e.g. educational and youth work for disabled and disadvantaged children in rural regions in southern Africa, in coo ... → more


Project update 05/2023 Sponsorship for education material for Technical College CPET Koudougou, Burkina Faso

In addition to our project update June 29th 2023 we would like to report about the successful completion of our sponsorship for the professional education on the on the Technical College C.E.T. Koudougou, Burkina Faso. Since spring we have been participated ... → more


Update zu Sponsorship 05/2023- Sponsorship Technical College C.E.T. Koudougou, Burkina Faso

We received the information that our contribution for the professional education on the Technical College C.E.T. Koudougou, Burkina Faso has been sucessfully applied for the required interior fittungs of the school building such as doors and windows. The CEO Heidi Stiewink of chariable organisati ... → more