Sponsorship projects

In compliance with the policy and philosophy of our foundation we, the Dieter and Bettina Wulkow Foundation, would also like to get involved with sponsorship projects. In participation with sponsors and donors we want to focus our  support on the following activities:
  • Financial support for educational school facilities
  • Donations for required school material 
  • Funding of medical care requirements
  • Sponsorship of recreational activities
  • Donations for crisis and disaster areas
For all these activities our foundation will act in our possible financial frame, but 
we also would like to invite you to support our help with your donations.

Survey of our realized sponsorships

Year Beneficiary Sponsorship purpose Amount
2025 Schutzengelwerk gGmbH Berlin Sponsorship for disadvataged and Migrant Children in cooperation with the Schutzengel House (Guardian Angel House) Berlin-Steglitz 2.350,- €
2024 Africa Association e.V. Gießen and Celebrate Hope Germany + CH Ministries Uganda Child Sponsorships for disadvantaged children to support their education in Kenia and Uganda 950,- €
2024 Tikato Wetzlar CPET Burkina Faso Roof for a school classroom technical High School CPET Koudougou Burkina Faso 1.000,- €

Celebrate Hope Germany e.V. Greifenstein / Celebrate Hope Ministries, Sanje, Uganda

Cooperation project for school education and infrastructure at Insula High School, Rakai Region, Uganda

4.000,- €
2024 Verbeke Homes, El Doret - Kenya Education Sponsorship for orphant children in El Doret, Kenya area by the Verbeke Homes 1.000,- €
2024 Young Symphonie Orchestra Wetzlar (JSOW) Sponsorship for the Youth work of young musicians of the JSOW 300,- €
2024 YOUPSA - Youth Potential South Africa,
Oudtshoorn, Western Cape, Soth Africa
Sponsorship for the education for the rural and disadvantaged children in the Oudtshoorn area, Western Cape, South Africa in the After School Enrichment Program in cooperation with YOUPS 1.500,- €
2024 Africa association e.V. Gießen, Germany Child Sponsorships for disadvantaged children to support their education in Kenia  600,- €
2023 TIKATO "Bread for the World" Germany Sponsorship for Technical College CPET, Koudougou, Burkina Faso 1,000,- €
2023 Young Symphonie Orchestra Wetzlar (JSOW) Sponsorship for the Youth work of young musicians of the JSOW 350,- €

YOUPSA - Youth Potential South Africa,
Oudtshoorn, Western Cape, Soth Africa

Sponsorship for the education for the rural and disadvantaged children in the Oudtshoorn area, Western Cape, South Africa in the After School Enrichment Program in cooperation with YOUPSA  2.000,- €
2022 Africa association e.V. Gießen, Germany Child Sponsorships for disadvantaged children to support their education in Kenia  600,- €
2022 Light for the World-Germany, Munich Sponsorship medical treatment eye inspection for children in Africa  1.560,- €
2022 Junges Sinfonie Orchester Wetzlar Sponsorship for young musicians in the orchester work 250,- €
2022 Ntailan Lolkoki, Berlin Education work for girls in Kenya: Preventation for sexual abuse  800,- €
2022 Brige for Hope, Rechtenbach-Germany Humanitarian Aid for Families in need affected by the Ukraine war 1.500,- €
2022 DRK Special Hospital for Children- and Youth Psychiatry Bad Neuenahr, Germany Reconstruction of the oudside playground climbing wall which was heavily distroyed by the flood disaster in autumn 2021. The climbing wall helps the patients to recover 2.000,- €
2021 YOUPSA - Youth Potential South Africa, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape, South Africa Sponsorship for the education for the rural and disadvantaged children in the Oudtshoorn area, Western Cape, South Africa in the After School Enrichment Program in cooperation with YOUPSA  2.500,- €
2021 Mrika Sefa, Music-Student Leipzig, Gemany Sponsorship for her study and study fees University for Music- and Theatre Science Leipzig, Germany 1.000,- €
2020 Refugee-Family from Somalia Endowment of bedrooms and dining room with furniture  600,- € 
2020 Protestant Church Community Garbenheim Germany
Sponsorship teaching material for Youth Work of the Protestant Church Community  600,- €
2020 Nueva Vida Association Argentina Sponsorship for Children und Youth Powerhouse in Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina 4.000,- €
2019 Hospital Waldfriede, Berlin for Desert Flower Center, Kenya Sponsorship for the Womens Gynocare Fistula Center in Eldoret, Kenya for FGM treatment and awareness training of girls and young women   3.000,- €
2019 Augsut-Bebel-Gesamtschule, Wetzlar Sponsorship of a special course to support refugee pupils in language, education and integration to prepare them for the regular scholl class teaching 1.250,- €
2019 IGS Solms/Germany (Comprehensive School) Sponsorship of education and talent of pupils at IGS School Solms/Germany 500,- €
2018 Rectory Bobenhausen 2-Vogelsberg/Hessen Sponsorship for children and youth work in the rural area of Vogelsberg organised by Minister Dr. Detlef Metz, Rectory Bobenhausen 2  300,- €
2018 Abdirahman Hasan New outfit for the new school year of the young refugee Abdirahman: New youth clothings and a new modern schoolbag 250,- €
2018 Meals on Wheels - Safe haven, Struisbaai, Western Cape, South Africa Second Sonsorship for new childrens home for disadvantaged and abused children. Completion of the fences to protect the children safe in their area 3.000,- €
2018 NEIA e.V. - Obume Tuyambe Kakoro, Uganda Sponsorship School Library for KOB High School, Kakoro, Uganda 2.000,- €
2018 Meals on Wheels - Safe haven, Struisbaai, Western Cape, South Africa First Sponsorship for new childrens home for disadvantaged and abused children to complete the new roof construction of the building 3.000,- €
2018 YOUPSA - Youth Potential South Africa, Hankey, Eastern Cape, South Africa Sponsorship of Mobile and Stationary Literacy and Book Club in the rural area of Eastern Cape, South Africa 3.000,- €
2018 Brooklyn Chest Kinder-Hospital, Ysterplaat, Südafrika 2x Twin Buggies for Tuberculosis-ill Babies and little children 400,00 €
2017 Support Africa e.V. Nassau-Germany Contribution to equip new mother-child beds for the new birth ward station at Alupe University Clinic, West Kenia 3.500,- €
2017 GAiN Global Aid Network Giessen e.V. Public relation work of Christina Schmidt-Campus for Christus e.V. Giessen, Germany 1.000,- €
2017 in collaboration with Support Africa e.V. Nassau (provided, on release order) Engagement by founding and modernizing a birth ward of the Universtity-Hospital Alupe/West Kenia 3.500,- €
2017 in collaboration with Ekari Germany e.V. Bonn Linguni Hope for Youth - theatre project for a playful education and scholarship motivation in Malawi  4.000,- €
2017 MalawiMed. e.V. Heidelberg   Health treatment of ill children Kinder in the Holy Mission Hospital, Phalombe, Malawi 3.500,- €
2017 St Josephs Home for chronically ill Children, Montana Support of health treatment and rehabilitation of chronically ill children in South Africa 35.000,- R
2016 Desert Flower Center Hospital Waldfriede, Berlin Assumption of costs for surgery treatment of a genital mutilated Somali woman 2.530,- €
2015 Brooklyn Chest Children Hospital, Ysterplaat - South Africa new large sun shade port for the outdoor playground at the bordering school 13.900,- R
2015 Marsh Memorial Homes, Cape Town, RSA education sponsorship for the student Patrick  4.200,- R
2015 MRV of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Darmstadt, Germany for the support of the small community El Doret, Kenia of Emily Verbeke 5.100.- €
2015 Public Charity Lotus Hilfsprogramme e.V. Giessen -Germany for treatment of patiemts of the BUSZ station Zambales, Philippines 5.550,- €
2015 BUSZ Station for children with severe burns, Philippines we take over the costs for the trained nurses Toni and Diana 1.550,- €
2014 Hospice Mittelhessen e. V. Wetzlar project "Charly and Lotte" grief conselling for children and youth 1.000,- €
2014 Booster Club Comprehensive School Schwingbach Hüttenberg funding of recreation activites of the school  (Promotion of deprived pupiles) 1.000,- €
2014 Marsh Memorial Homes, Cape Town, RSA academic studies of an orphan 20.000,- R
2013 Marsh Memorial Homes, Cape Town, RSA computer for students 5.000,- R
2013 Donation for the church of S.T.A, Darmstadt child sponsorship of a small  village community in Kenya, Africa 650,- €
2012 Donation for the church of S.T.A, Darmstadt Child sponsorship of a small  village community in Kenya, Africa 650,- €
2012 Marsh Memorial Homes, Cape Town, RSA  academic studies of an orphan  30.000,- R