
Project update 05/2023 Sponsorship for education material for Technical College CPET Koudougou, Burkina Faso

metal worker volunteers are manufacturing the window and door frames

In addition to our project update June 29th 2023 we would like to report about the successful completion of our sponsorship for the professional education on the on the Technical College C.E.T. Koudougou, Burkina Faso. Since spring we have been participated in a partnership with “Bread for the world”, Tikato, Wetzlar to realize the acquisition of training material for the school-volunteers learning the metal worker education. Ms. Heidi Stiewink the leader of the TIKATO workshop Wetzlar has arranged, that by our donation the metal window and door frames for the new school extension building could be self-manufactured by the volunteers. All is finished now and can be put in into the new school extension building.

We are proud that our sponsorship in reality could be used for such important education project. With pleasure we publish some photos from the finished manufacturing of the window and door frames by the metal worker volunteers.

Wetzlar, September 13th 2023

photo: Tikato Wetzlar

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